The 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester Research Conference, which has been held quarterly among master’s and doctoral students of the Advanced School of the State University of Mongolia, was successfully held on January 10, 2025 under the title “Educational Reform: Leadership”. At the conference, a total of 27 research students and doctoral students from educational administration, business administration, law, and health management presented 19 papers in Mongolian and English and successfully discussed them.
L. Ganchimeg, a doctoral student in educational management, won first place for her research paper “Some results of a comparative assessment of the situation of comprehensive care services for the elderly,” Liu Gaohan, a doctoral student in educational management, won second place for her research paper “Research on Creating a Scientific Research Innovation Environment for Young University Teachers Based on Organizational Climate Theory,” D. Bolormaa, a master of law, won third place and first place for her research paper “Improving the legal education of citizens participating in urban redevelopment,” and B. Oyuntungala, a master of health management, won a special place for her research paper “Studying the quality and consequences of sleep among shift nurses.”

Certificates and honors were awarded to master’s and doctoral students who actively participated in the research work by writing research papers, giving presentations, and participating in the discussions.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the professors and teachers who guided the research work of the research students, as well as to Dr. (Ph.D), Professor D. Narmandakh, Dr. (Ph.D), and Associate Professor L. Altansuvd, who provided valuable suggestions and advice on the research work and served as judges. We would like to thank all the teachers, students, and staff of the ATSSA for their support